Stoneham Police and Respond collaborated on the video urging the public not to be “frozen by fear.”
By Joe Lipovich
STONEHAM, MA — The Mannequin challenge is a video craze sweeping the nation, largely consisting of groups taking part in the challenge for fun. However, the Stoneham Police took the opportunity to participate in the challenge, while also raising awareness for strangulation and domestic violence.
In collaboration with Respond, a New England-based organization aiming to end domestic violence, the Stoneham Police Department made a Mannequin Challenge video which aims to raise awareness to domestic violence, particularly to the dangers of strangulation.
The video features participants frozen in an apparent scene of a strangulation attack, urging victims of strangulation and domestic violence to reach out for help.
“Strangulation is lethal,” said a Respond representative in the video.”When you are strangled, you are on the edge of being murdered. Please, please reach out for help.”
The video later urges the public not to be “frozen by fear.” You can view the video below. Keep in mind that the content of the video may be shocking to some viewers.
Article Source: Stoneham Police Get Real in Mannequin Challenge for Domestic Violence Awareness
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