Story By: Matt Trotter
All in-person proceedings at the Tulsa County District Court will be suspended from Dec. 8 through Jan. 11 because of rising COVID-19 case numbers.
Jury trials will be suspended until Feb. 1. A November administrative order had suspended them until Jan. 11.
Court proceedings involving defendants in custody will continue to be done via videoconferencing.
Courtrooms and areas of the courthouse where staff work will be closed to the public. The courthouse itself will be open. The new administrative order was decided by a majority vote of Tulsa County associate and district judges, who also considered ongoing construction that must be completed by Dec. 30.
The new order does not apply to the Family Justice Center.
Tulsa County Commissioners are encouraging people to conduct as much business as possible over the phone, through email or via postal mail.
There is a cleaning protocol in place at county facilities that includes frequently disinfecting touchpoints in common areas several times a day and twice daily electrostatic spraying. Face masks are required to enter county facilities, and hand sanitizer stations are placed throughout them.
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