$ 45.00
This course will explore how trauma-informed care can be approached within a camping context, and offer practical solutions, techniques, and approaches for youth development and camping professionals. These tools will empower leaders at camp to care for youth who have faced adversity and to adequately equip and train their staff to do the same.
Course Description: The Center for Disease Control reports that 64% of individuals experience one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) before reaching 18 (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). When ACA reaches their goal of serving 20 million campers in 2020, they’ll be providing care for 12.8 million children impacted by trauma. This course will explore how trauma-informed care can be approached within a camping context, and offer practical solutions, techniques and approaches for youth development and camping professionals. These tools will empower leaders at camp to care for youth who have faced adversity, and to adequately equip and train their staff to do the same.
Course Curriculum: In the Course Curriculum section, please outline each lesson along with the lesson subtopics and any required reading or video materials for each individual lesson. Please use the following format:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care in a Camp Setting (20-25 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Pre-Course Self-Inventory 2. Introduction 3. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Childhood Trauma 4. Trauma-Informed Care in a Camp Setting 5. Schedule and Overall Considerations
Required Materials: 1. Pre-Course Self-Inventory Quiz Lesson 2: Morning Schedule (13 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Rise and Shine 2. Breakfast 3. Challenge by Choice Activities and Rotations 4. Trauma Responses and Types of Stress
Lesson 3: Case Scenario Learning Check (10-15 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Case Scenario Video 2. Quiz on Case Scenario
Required Materials: 1. Case Scenario and Follow up information Lesson 4: Afternoon Schedule (5 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Lunch Time 2. Waterfront and Free Time
Lesson 5: Shower Time and Case Scenario Learning Check (10-15 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Video 2. Case Scenario Video 3. Quiz on Case Scenario Required Materials: 1. Quiz on Case Scenario Lesson 6: Evening Schedule (9 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Dinner 2. All Camp Games 3. Night Time Routine and Lights Out
Lesson 7: Conclusion and Self-Inventory (5-10 minutes) Lesson Overview: 1. Moving Forward and Setting Goals 2. Post-Course Self Inventory Required Materials: 1. Post-Course Self Inventory |