His order directs all state agencies, boards, and commissions to take necessary corrective actions, up to and including termination, when an employee commits or threatens to commit domestic violence on state property, at state-sponsored events, or when using state resources; and to contact law enforcement if an incident occurs.
Ohio’s governor, Mike DeWine, on Jan. 30 signed an executive order that offers new protections to employees of state government who are victims of domestic violence.
The executive order requires all state agencies, boards, and commissions to maintain and post lists of resources for survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence; to take appropriate actions when an employee is the victim of domestic violence, such as modifying work schedules, duties, or locations when the victim and perpetrator are employed in the same location; to grant leave requests when needed due to current or past domestic violence; and to work collaboratively with the Ohio Employee Assistance Program when considering corrective actions.
The new workplace domestic violence policy in state government updates the 2008 Barbara Warner Workplace Domestic Violence Policy and expands the definition of domestic violence to include victims of dating violence. The change mirrors modifications made to Ohio law last year by House Bill 1, which was sponsored by House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, D-Akron, and co-sponsored by Ohio Sen. Nathan Manning, R-North Ridgeville. That bill increased protections for victims who suffer violence from an intimate partner in a dating relationship.
“It makes sense that survivors of dating violence should be afforded the same support and services as other domestic violence victims,” said DeWine. “Those working in state government can be confident that their workplace will be a supportive environment for all domestic violence victims.”
His order also directs all state agencies, boards, and commissions to take necessary corrective actions, up to and including termination, when an employee commits or threatens to commit domestic violence on state property, at state-sponsored events, or when using state resources; and to contact law enforcement if an incident occurs.