Story by: Press Release Desk, News Partner
District Attorney Jill Ravitch has announced the awarding of two Federal Grants totaling $1.6 Million to the Family Justice Center Sonoma County (FJCSC). The grants will be used to support ongoing services at the Family Justice Center.
In 2016, the FJCSC was awarded a three-year $666,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime to identify and support polyvictim clients. Polyvictimization is the cumulative impact of trauma that results from experiencing multiple types of victimization and other adverse events throughout one’s lifetime, often at the hands of multiple perpetrators. Polyvictims are one of the most vulnerable populations served by the FJCSC and are at elevated risk for being victimized again in the future.
During the first three years of the program, onsite agency partners at FJCSC utilized this innovative approach to support more than 450 clients. Agencies include Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, Council on Aging, Legal Aid, Verity, and YWCA of Sonoma County. This year FJCSC was awarded a three-year $850,000 grant, allowing FJCSC to continue to screen for victims of multiple traumatic events and increase trauma-informed holistic services.
The Office of Violence Against Women has awarded a three year $750,000 grant to FJCSC that is designed to support ongoing services at the center to enhance the relationship between law enforcement and advocacy services provided at FJCSC.
Between 2016 and 2018, FJCSC served 4,045 unduplicated victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and other forms of interpersonal violence. These grants ensure that much-needed services will continue to be provided to victims of crime in Sonoma County.
“October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month,” said District Attorney Ravitch. “One in four women and one in seven men will be victimized. These grants enable us to continue to perform the important work with our partners to address and reduce the incidence of violence in our community.”
FJCSC is open 8:30 – 4:30 weekdays at 2755 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa.
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