Story by: WSFA Staff
MONTGOMERY, AL (WSFA) – More than 100 vendors were busy Thursday setting up ahead of this weekend’s Greater Montgomery Home Builders Associations annual Home Building and Remodeling Expo in Montgomery.
The expo runs from Friday through Sunday at the Montgomery Multiplex at Cramton Bowl and will feature a number of different products ranging from home and garden to roofing.
For the sixth year, organizers are partnering with the Montgomery County district attorney’s office and One Place Family Justice Center to give them a booth to provide information to the public about domestic violence.
“We will be staffing a booth that has been donated by the Greater Montgomery Home Builders Association to provide information to the public to the community about domestic violence,” District Attorney Daryl Bailey said. “We believe everyone should be able to live in their sanctuary, their home free of domestic violence.”
“We feel like it’s just vital that as builders and remodelers and vendors that service the residential market in our area that we show how committed we are to also doing what we can to make homes a safe place,” said GMHBA President Doug Fuhrman.
Chip Wade, known for his HGTV show “Elbow Room” will speak at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday and again Sunday at 1 p.m..
It costs $6 to get in. It’s open Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday noon to 4 p.m.