In a world where the rapid acquisition of knowledge is often essential for dynamic and changing fields, the convenience of online learning has become more essential than ever. For professionals serving and protecting those affected by inter-personal violence as well as bringing offenders to justice, this modality provides the same convenience and expedience – with the critical benefit of delivering the latest knowledge and expertise which has the potential not only to save lives, but give hope and healing to those recovering from instances of domestic violence, abuse, and other forms of trauma.
The Hope Hub Online Learning Academy provides law enforcement, medical, social work, and other professionals with the skills and learning necessary to:
- Provide trauma-informed, hope-centered services to survivors of inter-personal violence
- Handle cases and prosecute offenders involving domestic violence, including those involving instances of near-fatal strangulation
- Found, maintain, and grow camping and mentoring programs for youth recovering from violence or abuse in the home
- Understand the Family Justice Center Framework as well as adapt current agency or center models to a more co-located, cohesive organization
Preview a course today! Some courses are free and others are available for a fee. Continuing education credits will also be available for many courses as well. Courses are added regularly in response to demand and according to contemporary issues and topics, so please sign up for our online newsletter to stay up-to-date. All of the available courses are paced by the participant, available for a set period of time after purchase, and connect to the major programs (Family Justice Center Alliance, Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention, VOICES Survivors Network, and Camp HOPE America) and subject areas of Alliance for HOPE International. The HOPE Hub also supports courses provided by our national partners, allied consultants, and faculty members. If you have any questions about partnering with the Alliance through the HOPE Hub, please email us at info@allianceforhope.com.